Saturday, July 18, 2015

Staying Up Alone

I do not understand your patient
 pessimism your image in the unemotional 
water of the quick tempered pioneer
my brother your inconsistent wit
changing into sand into a dogmatic mane 
into shy harshness
for the gullible ideals 
of the obsessive night
 or the careless philosopher
able to sew a few days of fabric together.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Vocabulary Test

Nelipot - Someone who walks around without shoes

Pulveratricious - Covered in dust

Dorty -- portly, obese, fat, plump.

Gussock -- a gunnysack or a Russian sock

Slaney -- cinema or a play house

Gabbart -- Given to grocery store talk (especially near the yogurt)

Balatron -- The center of a gala

Qigong -- The mud where a pig just stepped

Acolous -- A peep-show instrument

Gradgrind - The act of saloon dancing either in an open floor or in tight quarters

Leggiadrous- For the purposes of half the population, art

Anglewitch - A  letter that once showed up between two letters

All Life is like this Afteroon

All life is like this afternoon on your young sandy face the weight of the stars the body tasting like snow a slipcover of communic...