Monday, February 23, 2009

Saying it so it might happen

We were told to sit on the pavement,

it was ordinary pavement. As if we needed marmoreal

protection from the loiters and people shopping.

The branches shook above the nasturtiums, which

were shaking their rebuttals at the ice cream

pamphlets. This was some college town

someone shouted. That this would be, "a good novel

some day." And in that way we looked at each

other in disgust. Once making love my mind was thinking

that in a hundred years I would never think

as I do now, nor shift my seat in peradventure.

The structure of the bricks was

a kitchen floating over the roof

tops. We were eating our cotton

sweaters. We were trying to acclimate

to our extremeties. We were having a good time.

This was the way we thought about the world.

Friday, February 13, 2009

In Search of Popsun

The Alps Go out from here. We dropped our baskets And went out hunting. There was incredulous Love making. We heard things from the hereafter. We commandeered safe passage Out through the rolling Atlantic. We heard of an attractive hand at the firing range that drew in the pack of hyenas, A few of us responded with a Map of the constellations Others began to desire Brilliant foliage And a few bills in their bill fold. We were waiting for it to get cold, For it to snow, to go out looking through the snowy streets of New England, And find that This is not such a crazy place For a famous hat, In Hartford.

The Star Rover

That someday we will want to know projections seriously arrived at  A flourish of flowers against the pavement It  seemed strange we were Al...