Saturday, July 18, 2015

Staying Up Alone

I do not understand your patient
 pessimism your image in the unemotional 
water of the quick tempered pioneer
my brother your inconsistent wit
changing into sand into a dogmatic mane 
into shy harshness
for the gullible ideals 
of the obsessive night
 or the careless philosopher
able to sew a few days of fabric together.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Vocabulary Test

Nelipot - Someone who walks around without shoes

Pulveratricious - Covered in dust

Dorty -- portly, obese, fat, plump.

Gussock -- a gunnysack or a Russian sock

Slaney -- cinema or a play house

Gabbart -- Given to grocery store talk (especially near the yogurt)

Balatron -- The center of a gala

Qigong -- The mud where a pig just stepped

Acolous -- A peep-show instrument

Gradgrind - The act of saloon dancing either in an open floor or in tight quarters

Leggiadrous- For the purposes of half the population, art

Anglewitch - A  letter that once showed up between two letters

The Star Rover

That someday we will want to know projections seriously arrived at  A flourish of flowers against the pavement It  seemed strange we were Al...