Saturday, August 8, 2015

Morning at the Zoo

Morning at the Zoo

The orangutan told me that I was wasting my life.
That I should quit my job and go move out to Idaho
and fish.  "That is what you want to do anyway." he said.
"Look at you."  I said angrily.
"You, you're stuck in a cage."
"Who are you to give me advice?"
Who is in a cage? he said.
"Ha, don't try that on me," I said.
"I don't buy it."
"You were probably raised here
by baboons." I said
"What do you know about being out?"
He looked at me with his sad eyes.
I said, "I'm sorry."
"It's just that I felt you kinda of attacked me."
"No," he said
"I was just trying to give you some good advice."
"You come here every day and we talk and talk."
"And I just thought, I could finally be myself around you."
"And since we are friends, I could tell you how I felt."
"I'm sorry," I said.
"It was the sweetest piece of advice I've ever got."
I decided not to visit the other animals
and left the zoo shortly after that.

Time to Jump

The plane was loud and noisy.
Larry took out a chocolate bar
and waved it in the air.
I waved my hands back at him
to tell him I didn't want a piece.
I was on a diet and rubbed my belly.
I thought this was a rather simple
way of expressing myself.
And for a moment I thought how easily
my gesture could be misinterpreted.
And also I wanted to thank him
but I left that out.
He was too far away for me to mouth
a thank you.
I was really lying anyways. I wanted a piece
of that chocolate bar and had he insisted
I would have easily taken a piece.
Larry shouted at me but I could barely hear him.
I raised my hand to my ear
and shrugged my shoulders.
He took out a pen
and wrote something on a piece of paper.
He passed the piece of paper to the left of him
and around the fuselage.
I watched how everyone unfold the note and read it.
Their eyes looked to the next person
and then they passed it on.
Each hand did the same and this is how it went
until it came to me.
The note was folded and beginning to wrinkle
I opened it and read it
It said, "The chocolate bar was never intended for you."

Stalling for Time

Larry was a fine cop
until he got beaten up by Ramona
He'd always come into the bar
and just sit there for hours after that.
After a long week and a
long night of just sitting at the bar
I asked Joe to go over to Larry.
"Why do you want me to go over to Larry?" he said
"I don't know, to cheer him up." I said
"He's just been coming into this bar
for this past week and just sitting there the whole night." I said.
"So have we." he said
"Maybe you can say something to cheer him up" I said
"You know how bad you feel after your wife beats you up."
"But I am not good at cheering people up." he said
"After I tried to cheer my son up for flunking out of college
he moved to Montana."
"Maybe you should go and cheer him up yourself." he said
"Maybe I will." I said.
I sat there a long time and said nothing.
The bar, if it could get any darker, did.
I got up and Joe looked up at me for a second.
I walked right passed Larry and out the door.

The Star Rover

That someday we will want to know projections seriously arrived at  A flourish of flowers against the pavement It  seemed strange we were Al...