Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The Museum Piece

Gary was a night watchman
at the museum.  He didn't
go around at night and wear
the jewels of the pharaohs
or add an extra brush stroke
to the Picasso. He didn't
even run around the place
carrying the Grecian urn
like a football. No,
Gary went on the internet
and watched funerals.
He clicked through the faces
of all the stars we lost.
When Gary wasn't
being a night watchman
he would be watching
funerals somewhere.
And looking in the eyes
of movie stars.
I wish I could tell you
why this is the case
but now sitting
watching Gary's funeral
I wonder if
Gary knew how much
the rest of the world
was really very much like him.
How we love our movie stars
and like looking at the dead
instead of punting an urn
daring an emperor
or adding to art.

The Star Rover

That someday we will want to know projections seriously arrived at  A flourish of flowers against the pavement It  seemed strange we were Al...