Sunday, August 27, 2023

All Life is like this Afteroon

All life is like this afternoon
on your young sandy face
the weight of the stars
the body tasting like snow
a slipcover of communication
fleeting through the blue geography
Twilight paintings
firecracker mysteries
calm whole hurricanes
sandwiched within 
the intricacies of the day
before you knew it
even existed.

As Long as Russell Edson Lives

I am fine
but the moment
he is dead
I become
too hard to
figure out
my growing
labors like
tiny inventions
at each other
locked in the deciding
who came first
who came last
and who came at all.

Monday, August 7, 2023

Post Title

There was an internal destiny
the waterlogged nasturtiums missed it.
Like the ferns jutting from a moth's nose
Sal starred from his bed for a long time.
He walked out of his hotel room
and down the hall to the ice machine.
There he met a girl who smelled like kindness.
It was later that evening I was born.
I know I owe a lot of people 
looking for a cold drink
or who hear the rumbling of ice
now that the world is melting
and we are fleeing its shorelines.
I know. I pulled my car over, stopped,
for a moment to look back in hope 
that this extinction 
might give birth to something.

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Concave Orange Peel

The hammering of a flicker

ties us to one another.

And together the old sense comes round

like an approval or buttons.

Froms sleep the old man gloves the air.

Well, don't look.

Just sip over the universe

of an old fashioned cocktail 

mostly beautiful

I want an intermission

The brute ankles of the problem

sometimes weave

sometimes glimmer

sometimes shine

from a lilac loss

raincoat, chimney or runnel.

The bay touches a chamber of the heart

Walking around the market before it opens

may repair the wildflowers before the rain

switch something in the experiment

use a forklift immediately

drain off this sunny, sunny toaster

looking natural before the gardens.

The Star Rover

That someday we will want to know projections seriously arrived at  A flourish of flowers against the pavement It  seemed strange we were Al...