Saturday, March 7, 2015

The Reading

And sometimes I dream
of being asked to read my poetry
at a very fine college.
I am picked up at the airport
or the train station
because of my poetic
disposition or for fear of flying
by a young poet too
who is full of nothing
but little bits of beauty
I enjoy the car ride.
I look out and see the landscape
I even think of a few lines
and jot them down
they will make a fine poem someday
I am well received
by the muffled voices as I pass
I have a wonderful dinner
and I don't have to pay
for any of it.
I meet the other poets
who teach there
and find we have a common friend
I tell them they have
found a good way to make a living.
I feel my ego rise like the head
of a giraffe, but when I understand
this I become quiet.
I give a good reading
I even have some good liner notes
which surprises me
I teach a class filled with admonishment
I sign my book
and the several others
that I have published.
the people at the college
are happy and say
they will invite me back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope they will have you back.

All Life is like this Afteroon

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