Wednesday, December 12, 2007

For A Few

For A Few

I am not a carpenter
And this is not a religious poem
So just forget your prejudices
For a few.
As I was saying
I am not a carpenter
But I sure do love putting
Together those kit desks,
Bureaus and computer karts
I stood outside my office
Speaking this way to
The night janitor,
I wish I could make a living putting
These together.
Usually there is an extra charge
For it and I figure the majority
Of people would not want to spend their
Days in this sort of labor.
That’s why jigsaw puzzles are
A dying art.
Whereas thirty years ago
There was even a market for magnifying glasses.
I think now life is just moving faster
And nobody has time for jigsaw puzzles
Or kits of furniture.
But maybe there are some
A secret society of people
Who come into work ar night like cobblers
At the Sauder factory and they do
All of them.
They bring their lunches to work
There is free juice and condiments in the cafeteria
Their healthcare package is the best around
It is even better than the one at Yankee Candle
Who I’ve heard has declined somewhat over recent years
And does so especially around Christmas time when Santa Claus
Takes over the indoor tennis courts.
They spend their breaks working
On jigsaw puzzles, kind of keeps
Their mind working
Through things
Business is kind of
Slow here anyways
In walks the fella whose
Job it is to put extra screws
And dowels in the bags
It makes people real happy
When they have leftovers
Of any kind. And might
Be able to fill a few
Coffee cans full.
I used to collect coffee cans
But nowadays I end up working later
And later
I work right on pass the night
Janitor. He waves at me
Through my window
We have become good friends


Unknown said...

I especially like the idea of magnifying glasses and jigsaw puzzles being throwaway items in today's culture.

That is hitting at the soul of the poem, I think --- also like the image of extra dowls and screws in a small plastic bag (ala IKEA furniture) --- kind of the opposite end of actually being a carpenter and putting things together, no?


Unknown said...

How often do you plan on posting? Once a week? Once a month? Once? Let your reader know so that I can figure out when to stop by this joint.


Unknown said...

How often do you plan on posting? Once a week? Once a month? Once? Let your reader know so that I can figure out when to stop by this joint.


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