Saturday, July 12, 2008


And it is because of you that the universe just might go on forever

Or that just the kiss fetches a climate of formed companions
with a mouth full of moths

We were walking outside of the apartment store,
That was when we lived in apartments
And thought less of the young men
On the streets and more of

Yes, my dear nitrate
This seems like we are near the end.
But someone will come to save us.
So it won’t seem like
Such a disaster.
Just like my son leaving on the light of

That kiss
will be the only motion of what one may want
even shadowy against the canopies
even in Spain.


Unknown said...

Two in one month. That is a record. Keep this up and you may end up getting visitors stopping by.

PS ... could you change the label on the link to my blog to just "Toromoreno art & poetry" or "Words w/ no names"?


Unknown said...

c'mon ... I know you have more stuff sitting around. Why you so stingy? Post something brother .... I need inspiration and the other blogging poets ain't doing it for me .... PS. Sorry I missed the Beach Day. I'll tell you the full story some other time.

The Star Rover

That someday we will want to know projections seriously arrived at  A flourish of flowers against the pavement It  seemed strange we were Al...