Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Collapsible Opera Hat

Put on your bracelet of moths
and rise like the hint of the kamikaze's
cologne lingering above the gasoline
soaked jacket you wear; we should
stopping dating ourselves and date someone
who can unearth love in this borrowed
and spelunking universe.  I'm stuck
with these claustrophobic fumes rising
off the furtive heads of swallows, which
are harmless unless descending into a
a pleasure boat.  Listen,  I was once
a vapor myself and my whole shtick
desperately hung in lonely bands
around the eyes like a mask.  But wait,
you can lick whatever mask I wear
I don't mind.  And in turn I'll show you
circling like the darkness of a musty
collapsible opera hat, a brave solution
tampered with braver indecision.

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