Friday, July 6, 2018

Timothy Stand-By

Sitting cloudily
the impression of a character
both on land and at sea
fast on his feet,  between jobs
in a hotel of woodpeckers
promising, seriously promising
to open each one of the screens
but like everything known and unknown
to the heart
what one knew escaped
like feathers in a windstorm
and then a very fine rain fell
beading up on the beautiful landscape
of the car hood
then sunshine and after it
reduced the owner of a beautiful young smile
and even more, attractively
long legs with minor scratches
to bottom muck
While drinking up
a New York township
one gives up belief
and shouts,
baffling strangers and policemen
two mountains
sprouting from a midnight blue
not sure why but only for
the joy of it
a tuna-fish sandwich
a fishing rod and flies
two lobs of light
becoming confidently determined
to try this again

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