Wednesday, March 15, 2023

From the Book of Questions

Will I turn up a fish after I am drowned in the ocean?

Who really believes we are made up of bones?

Why did my parent put me into a room of my own?

When I dream, who am I?

When I sleep, do I sleep in another's dream?

What was the name of the horseshoe crab before horses?

Why do children bring their rocks into the house thinking they are snails?

When I am sad, why doesn't the earth fill with hellos?

Will I finally be able to hold my kidneys?

How much longer will people forget the truth?  

Don't they know it will flower soon?

What has there to be completely removed before there is spring?

Do I really understand the existence of stars?

Is the firing squad ready for the maker of guns?

Why did someone out me of what they saw die?

Why does the blue come off the blueberry when you rub them?

What happens when the tiniest particle is loved?

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